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CEO. Tae-soo Kim

IRIS VDAP integrates, analyzes, and visualizes data to maximize its value.

#BI    #Bigdata_analytic_platform    #data_integration

Company Info.

Main Product/Service.       Bigdata analytic platform

Date of Establishment.      2000

Contact Info.

Name.     Jaehoon Lee, Team Lead


Tel.          +82-10-9303-0077

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Product / Service

What makes us different

Mobigen provided the first real-time customer experience quality analysis solution utilizing large-scale mobile communication data in Korea.

Mobigen also lauched the first big data platform in Korea and earned the nationally recognized Good Software (GS) certification - IRIS EDB Mobigen has the national-best technological competitiveness and experience in collecting and integrating large-scale big data.

Work Experience









Obtained Good Software Certification for IRIS VDAP v3.0

Selected as an Innovative Company in the DNA (Data, Network, AI) field by the National Information Society Agency (NIA)

Received the Minister’s Award for Internet Technology Leadership at the 12th Korea Internet Awards (Ministry of Science and ICT)

  • Selected as the lead organization for the Global Creative Software (GCS) project

  • Selected as a high-growth company by the Small and Medium Business Administration

  • Awarded the Grand Prize in New Software Product from Ministry of Knowledge and Economy

  • Obtained GS certification for Big Data platform (IRIS Enterprise DB)

  • Selected as an INNO-BIZ Technology Innovation Company (Small and Medium Business Administration)

  • Obtained ISO 9001 certification for quality management (International Standard Certification)

Awarded the Special Award at the Seoul Venture Awards

Founded Mobigen / Established Technology Research Institute

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